Address, opening hours, how to get here, map
Public greenhouses | 10 to 14 March 2025
Due to major gardening works some parts of these facilities may be temporarily inaccessible.
Botanischer Garten
Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 361
D-69120 Heidelberg
49.414382°, 8.668652°
Opening Hours Outdoors
year-round, all day, no entry fee
Opening Hours Public Greenhouses
MON–THU 9–16
FRI 9–14.30
SAT closed
SUN & HOLIDAY 10–17 (summer) ♦ 9–16 (winter)
no entry fee
The glasshouses will be closed for major gardening works from October 21 to 27 inclusive.
Closed on
Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, St. Stephen's/Boxing Day,
New Year's Eve, New Year's Day & Epiphany
Group Visits
If you would like to visit with a larger group (e.g. school class, travel groups) without booking a guided tour of the Botanic Garden, please register at least one week in advance by email.
Garden secretariat opening hours
MON closed
TUE−THU 9−12 & 14−16
FRI 9−12
SAT & SUN closed
How to get here
By car: A5 as far as Heidelberger Kreuz, in the direction of Heidelberg (A 656), from the end of the motorway follow the signs for "Universität im Neuenheimer Feld", after the bridge over the Neckar turn left immediately in the direction of the "Chirurgie", pass through the barrier and follow the road. After the DKFZ you will be able to see the greenhouses on the right. The Botanic Garden does not have its own car park and there are very few parking spaces in close proximity. We recommend using the multi-storey car park at the zoo (Parkhaus am Zoo, Tiergartenstraße 3) or opposite the hospital (Medizinische Klinik, Im Neuenheimer Feld 160), both of which are just a minute or two by foot from the grounds of the Garden.
By bus from the main train station: Route 31 going to “Neuenheimer Feld” as far as the stop “Campus im Neuenheimer Feld”. Continue to follow the road in the same direction. (At the moment, the bus stop “Botanischer Garten” has been removed due to construction work.) You can also use the stop “Medizinische Klinik” and enter the Botanic Garden from the side gate at the entrance to the hospital.
Coordinates entrance to the greenhouses/meeting point: 49.4145671°, 8.668897°