External Publications based on Heidelberg plant material & data


Feng Z-H, Huang Z-J, Liu B, Liu S (2024) Nomenclatural novelties for intergeneric nothotaxa. Phytoneuron 85, 1–41.

Göttlinger T, Lohaus G (2024) Origin and Function of Amino Acids in Nectar and Nectaries of Pitcairnia Species with Particular Emphasis on Alanine and Glutamine. Plants 13, 23.

Gouda EJ, Koopmans R (2024) Tillandis cyanea (A.Dietr.)  É.Morren, (=T. guatemalensis) – A Comparison with T. excelsa, T. selleana, T. cauliflora and Others. Die Bromelie 2024 (1), 43–52.

Hromadnik L, Barfuss MHJ (2024) The Unsuccessful Search for Tillandsia chiletensis and a Surprising Discovery: Tillandsia palmatodigitata, a New Endemic Species from Cajamarca, Peru. Die Bromelie 2024 (1), 4–27.

Manzanares JM, Till W, Gouda EJ, Raack J (2024) Four New Natural Hybrids with Tillandsia complanata from Ecuador V. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 74, 23–46.

Tay JYL , Werner JC, Zotz G (2024) Morphological diversity of the velamen radicum in the genus Anthurium (Araceae). Plant Biology, doi:10.1111/plb.13679.

Werner JC, Albach DC, Can L, Zotz G (2024) The Velamen Radicum Is Common in the Genus Anthurium, Both in the Epiphytic and Terrestrial Species. Diversity 16, 18.

Wojtas KP, Bandara C, Kumar P (2024) A new species of Holcoglossum (Orchidaceae, Aeridinae) from Southern Shan State, Myanmar with taxonomic notes on Holcoglossum himalaicum. Phytotaxa 638, 257–267.


Droissart V, Verlynde S, Ramandimbisoa B, Andriamahefarivo L, Stévart T (2023) Diversity and distribution of Orchidaceae in one of the world's most threatened plant hotspots (Madagascar). Biodiversity Data Journal 11, e106223.

Heggelund I, Johnsen O, Skrede S, Hedrén M, Giorgi T, Romolini, Lorenz R (2023) Funde der Hybride Coeloglossum viride × Dactylorhiza maculata s.l. in Nordnorwegen und in Mittelitalien. Journal Europäischer Orchideen 55, 57–86.

Hromadnik L (2023) The Alliance of Tillandsia macbrideana. Die Bromelie 2023 (1/2/3), 4–23.

Hromadnik L (2023) Two New Endemic Species from The Alliance of Tillandsia ermitae from Ancash, Peru: Tillandsia yanacensis and T. chaparensis. Die Bromelie 2023 (1/2/3), 24–41.

Messerschmid TFE, Abrahamczyk S, Bañares-Baudet Á, Brilhante MA, Eggli U, Hühn P, Kadereit JW, dos Santos P, de Vos JM, Kadereit G (2023) Inter- and intra-island speciation and their morphological and ecological correlates in Aeonium (Crassulaceae), a species-rich Macaronesian radiation. Annals of Botany 131, 697–721.

Schmidt PA, Witt B (2023) Zur mexikanischen Vejar-Tanne (Abies vejarii MARTÍNEZ) in der Natur und in Kultur. Beiträge zur Gehölzkunde 25, 6–35.

Schröder CNS (2023) Plant exchange networks in the 19th century – 200 years of citizen science. Bauhinia 29, 41–51.

Wojtas KP, Bandara C, Kumar P (2023) A new species of Chiloschista (Orchidaceae, Aeridinae) from Myanmar. Phytotaxa 612, 57–66.


Georg L (2022) Known from the Type Collection Only: Identifying Neoregelia Clones (Bromeliaceae subfam. Bromelioideae) by DNA Barcoding. Die Bromelie 2011 (#1), 4–8.

Göttlinger T, Lohaus G (2022) Comparative analyses of the metabolite and ion concentrations in nectar, nectaries, and leaves of 36 bromeliads with different photosynthesis and pollinator types. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 987145.

Gouda, E.J. (2022) Guzmania bismarckii Rauh vs. Guzmania lindenii (André) Mez – Part II a new species and variety. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 72, 155–164.

Royer CA, Toscano de Brito ALV, Mauad Anna VSR, Smidt EC (2022) Phylogenetic Position of Centroglossa and Dunstervillea (Ornithocephalus Clade: Oncidiinae: Orchidaceae) Based on Molecular and Morphological Data. Systematic Botany 47, 927–937.

Rysy W (2022) Detektivaufgabe zur Bestimmung von Epidendrum polyanthogastrium Hágsater et Dodson 1999. Die Orchidee 73, 444–448.

Sauvêtre P (2022) Maxillaria houtteana Rchb.f., the Maxillaria that doesen't smell like coconut! L'Orchidophile 234, 229–234.

Schölch A (2022) Relations between Submarginal and Marginal Sori in Ferns V. The Sori of selected Davalliaceae. Indian Fern Journal 39, 16–51.

Schnurr-Redford C (2022) Der Ölbaum der Athena und die Lampe des Kallimachos im Erechtheion. Xenia 55, 67–79.

van Kleinwee I, Larridon I, Shah T, Bauters K, Asselman P, Goetghebeur P, Leliaert F, Veltjen E (2022) Plastid phylogenomics of the Sansevieria Clade of Dracaena (Asparagaceae) resolves a recent radiation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 169, 107404.


Haevermans T, Hetterscheid WLA (2021) Taxonomic changes and new species in Malagasy Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae). Phytotaxa 492, 1–61.

Haevermans T, Hetterscheid WLA (2021) Novelties in Malagasy Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae). Phytotaxa 488, 1–63.

Haevermans T, Hetterscheid W (2021) Taxonomic decisions and novelties in the informal Euphorbia decaryi group from Madagascar. Euphorbia World 17, 6–19.

Hermans J, Gamisch A, Rajaovelona L, Fischer GA, Cribb P, Sieder A, Andriantiana J (2021) New species and nomenclatural changes in Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) from Madagascar. Kew Bulletin 76, 1–38.

Gouda EJ (2021) Tillandsia racinae in Cultivation. Die Bromelie 2021 (#3), 109–114.

Gruber FG, Till W, Barfuss MHJ (2021) Tillandsia gloriae, a New Endemic Species from Cundinamarca, Colombia and Tillandsia cerosa, a New Name – Iter Columbianum Primum 2017 (2). Die Bromelie 2021 (#3), 116–125.

Kilian N, Al-Fatimi M (2021) The identity of a succulent Euphorbia shrub in southern Yemen with spirally twisted branches. Euphorbia World 17, 5–12.

Leme E, Zizka G, Paule J, Aguirre-Santoro J, Heller S, Ramirez I, Halbritter H, Mariath J, de Carvalho J, Forzza R (2021) Re-evaluation of the Amazonian Hylaeaicum (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) based on neglected morphological traits and molecular evidence. Phytotaxa 499, 1–60.

Rieks R (2021) Aufruf zur Kartierung der Laubholz-Mistel (Viscum album subsp. album) und ihrer Wirtsbäume in Südwestdeutschland. Die Pflanzenpresse 43, 25–32.

Roth-Nebelsick A, Thiv M, Malkowsky Y, Schott R, Heyer A (2021) Structure and functional anatomy of the gas exchange apparatus of leafless orchids: evidence for a control mechanism? Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 197, 249–262.

Schölch A (2021) Formation of gametophytic sori in Osmunda regalis L. Indian Fern Journal 38, 27–35.

Schröder CN, Hojka J & Schmickl RE (2021) Arabidopsis arenosa auf Rügen: Erweiterung des Areals diploider Vorkommen auf die Flora Deutschlands. Kochia 14, 95–116.

Smith GF, Shtein R (2021) The identity of Kalanchoe stearnii (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae). Phytotaxa 478, 295–300.

Wisnev MA, Eyzaguirre Philippi MT (2021) What Do Deinacanthon, Fascicularia and Ochagavia Have in Common? – An Update. Die Bromelie 2021 (#2), 57–73.


Hauber F, Konrad W, Roth-Nebelsick A (2020) Aerial roots of orchids: the velamen radicum as a porous material for efficient imbibition of water. Applied Physics A 126, 1–17.

Hermans J, Verlynde S, Rajaovelona L, Cribb PJ, Hervouet J-M (2020) New species and nomenclatural changes in Angraecum (Orchidaceae) from Madagascar. Kew Bulletin 75, 49.

Hermans J, Verlynde S, Cribb P, Ramandimbisoa B, Hervouet J-M, Bernet P (2020) Malaxideae (Orchidaceae) in Madagascar, the Mascarenes, Seychelles and Comoro Islands. Kew Bulletin 75, 1. 

Jenny R (2020) Bulbophyllum heidelbergianum, eine neue Art aus Papua-Neuguinea. Die Orchidee 6, 108–111.

Paule J, Heller S, Maciel JR, Monteiro RF, Leme EMC, Zizka G (2020) Early Diverging and Core Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) Reveal Contrasting Patterns of Genome Size Evolution and Polyploidy. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.01295.

Paule J, Schmickl R, Fér T, Matuszak-Renger S, Halbritter H, Zizka G (2020) Phylogenomic insights into the Fascicularia-Ochagavia group (Bromelioideae, Bromeliaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192, 642–655.

Smith GF, Bernhard S, Thiede J, Nickol M (2020) Notes on the natural geographical distribution range of the Madagascan Kalanchoe dinklagei Rauh (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae. Haseltonia 27, 21–28.


Göttlinger T, Schwerdtfeger M, Tiedge K, Lohaus G (2019) What Do Nectarivorous Bats Like? Nectar Composition in Bromeliaceae With Special Emphasis on Bat-Pollinated Species. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00205.

Gouda EJ (2019) Guzmania bismarckii Rauh vs. Guzmania lindenii (André) Mez. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 69,117-122.

Schröder CN (2019) Katalog der auf Herbarbelegen gebräuchlichen Abkürzungen / Catalogus Abbreviationum in Schedis Herbariorum usitatorum. Kochia 12, 37–67.

Schröder CN (2019) Tillandsia pseudomicans Rauh 25945 – Locus classicus and Original Material. Die Bromelie 2019(3), 134–141.

Smith GF, Figueiredo E, Bernhard S  (2019) Notes on the taxonomy and nomenclature of Kalanchoe brevisepala (Humbert) L.Allorge and its basionym, K. millotii Raym.Hamet & H.Perrier subsp. brevisepala Humbert, and K. dinklagei Rauh (Crassulaceae). Bradleya 2019, 87–96.

Whaley OQ, Orellana-Garcia A, Pecho-Quisipe JO (2019) An Annotated Checklist to Vascular Flora of the Ica Region, Peru—with notes on endemic species, habitat, climate and agrobiodiversity. Phytotaxa 389, 1–125.


van Kleunen M et al. (2018) The changing role of ornamental horticulture in alien plant invasions. Biological Reviews, doi: 10.1111/brv.12402.

Zenk FL, Firmer C, Wöhrmann T, Silva LV, Weising K, Huettel B, Paggi GM (2018) Development of 15 nuclear microsatellite markers in Deuterocohnia (Pitcairnioideae; Bromeliaceae) using 454 pyrosequencing. Applications in Plant Sciences 6, e1147.


Buchholz A (2017) Wiederfund der Doldigen Gänsekresse (Arabis ciliata) im württembergischen Allgäu. Berichte der Botanischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Südwestdeutschland 8, 51–53.

Gottschlich G (2017) Typusmaterial und andere bedeutsame Belege der Gattung Hieraceum im Herbarium der Universität Heidelberg. Berichte der Botanischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Südwestdeutschland 8, 7–27.

Gouda E (2017) A New Tillandsia Species from Pomacocha, Peru: Tillandsia cees-goudae. Die Bromelie 2017(2), 69–75.

Leme EMC, Heller S, Zizka G, Halbritter H (2017) New circumscription of Cryptanthus and new Cryptanthoid genera and subgenera  (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) based on neglected morphological traits and molecular phylogeny. Phytotaxa 318, 1–88.

Mounce R et al. (2017) Ex situ conservation of plant diversity in the world’s botanic gardens. Nature Plants 3, 795–802.

Paule J, Wagner ND, Weising K, Zizka G (2017) Ecological range shift in the polyploid members of the South American genus Fosterella (Bromeliaceae). Annals of Botany, doi: 10.1093/aob/mcw245.

Pinangé DSB, Krapp F, Zizka G, Silvestro D, Leme EMC, Weising K, Benko-Iseppon AM (2017) Molecular phylogenetics, historical biogeography and character evolution in Dyckia (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 183, 39–56.

Przemyslaw B, Dudek M, Szlachetko DL (2017) Brasolia, a new genus highlighted from Sobralia (Orchidaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 303, 853–871.

Roth-Nebelsick A, Hauber F, Konrad W (2017) The Velamen Radicum of Orchids: A Special Porous Structure for Water Absorption and Gas Exchange. In Functional Surfaces in Biology III (pp. 107–120). Springer, Cham.


Abrahamczyk S, Kessler M, Hanley D, Karger DN, Müller MPJ, Knauer AC, Keller F, Schwerdtfeger M, Humphreys AM (2016) Pollinator Adaptation and the Evolution of Floral Nectar Sugar Composition. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, doi: 10.1111/jeb.12991.

Barfuss MHJ, Till W, Leme EMC, Pinzon JP, Manzanares JM, Halbritter H, Samuel R, Brown GK (2016) Taxonomic revision of Bromeliaceae subfam. Tillandsioideae based on a multi-locus DNA sequence phylogeny and morphology. Phytotaxa 279, 1–97.

Mansfeld PA (2016) Sansevieria ballyi L.E.Newton (Asparagaceae) and newly found field notes. Bradleya 34, 225–229.

Pinzón Juan P, Ramírez-Morillo IM, Carnevali G, Barfuss MHJ, Tun J, Ortiz-Díaz JJ (2016) Phylogenetics and evolution of the Tillandsia utriculata complex (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) inferred from three plastid DNA markers and the ETS of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181, 362–390.

Schütz N, Krapp F, Wagner N, Weising K (2016) Phylogenetics of Pitcairnioideae s.s. (Bromeliaceae): evidence from nuclear and plastid DNA sequence data. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181, 323–342.

Wöhrmann T, Huettel B, Wagner N, Weising K (2016)Microsatellites from Fosterella christophii (Bromeliaceae) by de novo transcriptome sequencing on the Pacific Biosciences RS platform. Applications in Plant Sciences, 4(1). 1500084.


Schölch A (2015) Sporophyll and Sorus Development in Osmunda regalis L. Indian Fern Journal, 32, 221–243.

Dobeš C, Lückl A, Kausche L, Scheffknecht S., Prohaska D, Sykora C, Paule J (2015) Parallel origins of apomixis in two diverged evolutionary lineages in tribe Potentilleae (Rosaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 177, 214–229. 

Paule J, Kolář F, Dobeš C (2015) Arctic-alpine and serpentine differentiation in polyploid Potentilla crantziiPreslia 87, 195–215.

Wagner ND, Wöhrmann T, Öder V, Burmeister A, Weising K (2015) Reproduction biology and chloroplast inheritance in Bromeliaceae: a case study in Fosterella (Pitcairnioideae). Plant Systematis and Evolution 301, 2231–2246.


Ehlers R (2014) Tillandsia stoltenii – something mysterious from Mexico and Guatemala. Die Bromelie 2014(3), 113–122.

Gitaí J, Paule J, Zizka G., Schulte K, Benko-Iseppon AM (2014) Chromosome numbers and DNA content in Bromeliaceae: additional data and critical review. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 176, 349–368.

Givnish TJ, Barfuss MHJ, Van Ee B, Riina R, Schulte K, Horres R, Gonsiska PA, Jabaily RS, Crayn DM, Smith JAC, Winter K, Brown GK, Evans TM, Holst BK, Luther H, Till W, Zizka G, Berry PE, Sytsma KJ (2014) Adaptive radiation, correlated and contingent evolution, and net species diversification in Bromeliaceae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 71, 55–78.

Jiménez-Mejías P, Hilpold A, Frajman B, Puşcaş M, Koopman J, Mesterházy A, Grulich V, Lye KA, Martín-Bravo S (2014) Carex cespitosa: reappraisal of its distribution in Europe. Willdenowia 44, 327−343.

Krapp F, de Barros Pinangé DS, Benko-Iseppon AM, Leme EMC, Weising K (2014) Phylogeny and evolution of Dyckia (Bromeliaceae) inferred from chloroplast and nuclear sequences. Plant Systematics and Evolution 300, 1591–1614.

Schütz N (2014) Deuterocohnia meziana (Bromeliaceae): subspecies classification and the description of the new subspecies D. meziana subsp. vogtii from northern Paraguay. Phytotaxa 162, 18–30.


Burge DO, Mugford K, Hastings AP, Agrawal AA (2013) Phylogeny of the plant genus Pachypodium (Apocynaceae). PeerJ 1: e70

Daniele Silvestro D, Zizka G, Schulte K (2013) Disentangling the effects of key innovations on the diversification of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae). Evolution, doi:10.1111/evo.12236.

Krapp F, Alves dos Santos Cruz G, Wöhrmann T, Benko-Iseppon A, Weising K (2013) A set of variable plastid SSR markers for the genus Cryptanthus (Bromeliaceae). Research in Plant Biology, 3, 18-2.

Paule J, Scherbantin A, Dobeš C (2012) Implications of hybridisation and cytotypic differentiation in speciation assessed by AFLP and plastid haplotypes - a case study of Potentilla alpicola La Soie. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 12, 132.

Szlachetko DL, Tukałło P, Joanna Mytnik-Ejsmont J, Grochocka E (2013) Reclassification of the Angraecum-alliance (Orchidaceae, Vandoideae) based on molecular and morphological data. Biodiversity Research and Conservation 29, 1–23.


Krapp F, Wöhrmann T, de Barros Pinange DS, Benko-Iseppon AM, Huettel B, Weising K (2012) A set of plastid microsatellite loci for the genus Dyckia (Bromeliaceae) derived from 454 pyrosequencing. American Journal of Botany 99, e470–e473.


Givnish TJ, Barfuss MHJ, Van Ee B, Riina R., Schulte K., Horres R, Gonsiska PA, Jabaily RS, Crayn DM, Smith JA, Winter K, Brown GK, Evans TM, Holst BK, Luther H, Till W, Zizka G, Berry PE, Sytsma KH (2011). Phylogeny, adaptive radiation, and historical biogeography in Bromeliaceae: Insights from an eight-locus plastid phylogeny. American Journal of Botany 98, 872–895.

Gouda E (2011) Tillandsia spiraliflora flowering in the Utrecht Botanic Garden. Die Bromelie, 2011(3), 108−109.

Grein M, Konrad W, Wilde V, Utescher T, Roth-Nebelsick A (2011) Reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 during the early middle Eocene by application of a gas exchange model to fossil plants from the Messel Formation, Germany. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 309, 383−391.

Herrmann F, Romero MR, Blazquez AG, Kaufmann D, Ashour ML, Kahl, Marin JJG, Efferth T, Wink M (2011) Diversity of Pharmacological Properties in Chinese and European Medicinal Plants: Cytotoxicity, Antiviral and Antitrypanosomal Screening of 82 Herbal Drugs. Diversity 3, 547−580.

Mytnik-Ejsmont J (2011) A Monograph of the Subtribe Polystachyinae Schltr. (Orchidaceae). Uniwersytet Gdański, Poland.

Mytnik-Ejsmont J, Szlachetko DL, Górniak M (2011) Chelystachya, a new genus of the subtribe Polystachyinae (Orchidaceae). Biodiversity Research and Conservation 23, 15−27.


Gouda E (2010) Eine neue Kombination und ein neuer Status bei Tillandsia ixioides. Die Bromelie 2010(2), 76−79.

Górniak M, Paun O, Chase MW (2010) Phylogenetic relationships within Orchidaceae based on a low-copy nuclear coding gene, Xdh: Congruence with organellar and nuclear ribosomal DNA results. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 56, 784−795.

Mulyaningsih S, Youns M, El-Readi MZ, Ashour ML, Nibret E, Sporer F, Herrmann F, Reichling J, Wink M. (2010). Biological activity of the essential oil of Kadsura longipedunculata (Schisandraceae) and its major components. Journal of Pharmacy and Phamacology 62, 1037−1044.


Ashour ML, El-Readi M, Youns M, Mulyaningsih S, Sporer F, Efferth T, Wink M (2009). Chemical composition and biological activity of the essential oil obtained from Bupleurum marginatum (Apiaceae). Journal of Pharmacy and Phamacology 61, 1–9.

De Castro O, Cennamo P, Vázquez-Torres M, De Luca P (2009). Molecular studies about two rare species of the genus Tillandsia L. (T. califanii Rauh and T. tomasellii De Luca, Sabato et Balduzzi). Journal of Bromeliad Society 59, 206−218.

Duque-Thüs R (2009): Beiträge morphologischer und anatomischer Merkmale, insbesondere der Fruchtknoten und Samenanlagen zur Taxonomie und Systematik der Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae). PhD thesis, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany.

Fischer GA, Sieder A, Hermans J, Andriantiana J, Kiehn M, Cribb PJ (2009). Description of Four New Species of Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) from Madagascar. Novon 19, 344−352.

Haevermans T, Rouhan G, Hetterscheid W, Teissier M, Belarbi K, Aubriot X, Labat JN (2009). Chaos revisited: nomenclature and typification of the Malagasy endemic Euphorbia subgenus Lacanthis (Raf.) M.G. Gilbert. Adansonia 3, 279−299.

Rex M, Schulte K, Zizka G, Peters J, Vasquez R, Ibisch P, Weising K (2009). Phylogenetic analysis of Fosterella L.B. Sm. (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae) based on four chloroplast DNA regions. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51, 472−485.

Schulte K, Barfuss MHJ, Zizka G (2009). Phylogeny of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) inferred from nuclear and plastid DNA loci reveals the evolution of the tank habit within the subfamily. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51, 327−339.


Peters J, Vasquez R, Osinaga A, Weising K, Ibisch P (2008). Towards a taxonomic revision of the genus Fosterella (Bromeliaceae). Selbyana 29, 182−194.

Rex M, Patzolt K, Schulte K, Zizka G, Vasquez R, Ibisch P, Weising K (2007). AFLP analysis of genetic relationships in the genus Fosterella L.B. Smith (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae). Genome 50, 90−105.


Horres R, Schulte K, Weising K, Zizka G (2007). Systematics of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) - evidence from molecular and anatomical studies. Aliso 23, 27−43.

Schulte M, Horres R, Zizka G (2005). Molecular phylogeny of Bromelioideae and its implications on biogeography and the evolution of CAM in the family (Poales, Bromeliaceae). Senckenbergiana biologica 85, 113−125.

Treutlein J, Vorster P, Wink M (2005). Molecular relationships in Encephalartos (Zamiaceae, Cycadales) based on nucleotide sequences of nuclear ITS 1&2, rbcL, and genomic ISSR fingerprinting. Plant Biology 7, 79−90.


Espejo-Serna A, López-Ferrari AR & Ramírez-Morillo I (2005) Bromeliaceae. Flora de Veracruz 136. Instituto de Ecología, A. C. Xalapa, Veracruz.

Rohwer JG & Rudolph B (2005) Jumping genera: the phylogenetic positions of Cassytha, Hypodaphnis, and Neocinnamomum (Lauraceae) based on different analyses of trnK intron sequences. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 92, 153–178.


Haevermans T, Labat J-N (2004). A Synoptic Revision of the Malagasy Endemic Euphorbia pervilleana Group. Systematic Botany, 29, 118−124.


Treutlein J, Smith GF, van Wyk, B-E, Wink M (2003). Evidence for the polyphyly of Haworthia (Asphodelaceae, subfamily Alooideae; Asparagales) inferred from nucleotide sequences of rbcL, matK, ITS1 and genomic fingerprinting with ISSR-PCR. Plant Biology 5, 513−521.

Treutlein J, Smith GF, van Wyk B-E, Wink M (2003). Phylogenetic relationships in the Asphodelaceae (subfamily Alooideae) inferred from chloroplast DNA sequences (rbcL, matK) and from genomic fingerprinting (ISSR). Taxon 52, 193−207.


Treutlein J, Wink M (2002). Molecular phylogeny of cycads. Naturwissenschaften 89, 221−225.


Gemeinholzer B, Wink M (2001). Solanaceae: Occurrence of secondary compounds versus molecular phylogeny. In: Solanaceae V: Advances in taxonomy and utilization. (R.G. van den Berg, G.W.M. Barendse, G.M. van der Weerden, C. Mariani, eds), Nijmegen University Press, 165−178.


Horres R, Zizka G, Kahl G, Weising K (2000). Molecular Phylogenetics of Bromeliaceae: Evidence from trnL(UAA) Intron Sequences of the Chloroplast Genome. Plant Biology 2,306−315.


Käss E, Wink M (1997). Phylogenetic relationships in the papilionoideae (family Leguminosae) based on nucleotide sequences of cpDNA (rbcL) and ncDNA (ITS1 and 2). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 8, 65−88.

New Page: External Publications based on Heidelberg plant material & data